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October 12, 2019

In order to proceed with the expansion of the jewellery, Jewellery MEDUSA sold $15,000 worth of clothing, which was a massive success. Indeed, in 120 minutes, more than 300 pieces of clothing found takers.

 Event with The Jewellery Daily Medusa

Article The Daily →HERE

Owner Julien Duguay wanted to contribute to the Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean region by offering an unprecedented event to his clientele, the donation of $15,000 worth of clothing. At the same time, launch a movement across the region, but also across Quebec to save the regional media of the Capital Media Group. The clients present were able to offer donations to support quality information. "The media allow entrepreneurs to make themselves known and make our businesses radiate. If we wanted to protect our media, we had to develop an event where people could show their support. In fact, I challenge the entrepreneurs of Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean and those across Quebec to take an example on our activity to carry out concrete actions to raise money and thus create a difference, "explained Julien Duguay.


From the first few minutes, the owner promised to double the sum collected lots of his event. Once again, Jewellery MEDUSA is part of the development of its community to create a living force among regional socio-economic players.

 Event with The Jewellery Daily Medusa

More than 300 people queued on Tessier Street in Saguenay during the two hours.

Bijoux Medusa
Medusa Jewelry

Julien Duguay s’est taillé une place privilégiée en quelques semaines parmi les principaux bijoutiers que compte le Québec. Bijoux Medusa a démocratisé l’univers des bijoutiers en le rendant prospère, mais également en rendant le prestige de l’or auprès de la clientèle. Son leadership exemplaire lui a permis d’être cité en exemple parmi les meilleures pratiques d’affaires dans ce domaine, car il révolutionne l'industrie de la bijouterie. Reposant sur un nouveau modèle d’affaires, dont plusieurs n’y croyaient pas du tout.

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